Religion: 10/24/20
Dear brother and friend, may God's love surround you . May our loving energies swirl in your aura. Feel our loving presence for we are...

Kingdom of Heaven: 10/22/20
Dear Friend, peace be with you. Thank you for starting your day with prayer and taking the time to connect with spirit. We are with you....

Faith: 10/20/20
Dear friend and brother, it is Timothy. I am with you always. Thank you for writing and connecting with us in the spiritual realm. What a...

Life after Death: 10/14/20
Dear brother, thank you for taking time to connect with us today. We would like to say a few words about life after death. As you know,...

Cultivating Joy: 10/12/20
Dear brother and fellow soul traveler on the divine love path towards the Kingdom of God. We wish to deliver a message on joy today. Yes,...

Love is Energy: 10/8/20
Dear beloved brother, thank you for taking time to connect with us today. Starting a morning with prayer sets the tone for the remainder...

Taming the Mind: 10/6/20
Dear brother, good morning, welcome to another opportunity to seek the father's love and take one more step on your journey. It may not...

Soul Mission: 10/4/20
Good morning dear brother and fellow traveler on the divine love path. Thank you for taking time to communicate. We are very pleased to...

God is flooding the world with Light: 10/2/20
Dear brother, good morning, may God's divine love be with you in your soul. Yes, God is flooding the world with light. This may be hard...

Economics in America: 9/30/20
Dear brother, first, know that God loves you. Know that we love you, know that you are love. We have said this before, the changes that...