Set Your Intentions on Love: 1/2/21

Dear friend and spiritual traveler. Thank you for connecting with spirit this morning. God loves you. Starting each day with prayer and reflection helps to build and strengthen your bridge and connection with God. This is a great blessing. When we set our sights on God, he will reach out with the gift of divine love. Divine love will fill your soul and raise you spiritual vibration. Always set your sights on God and love. The universe is a great mirror. It will reflect back to us what we send out. If we wish to receive love, send love into the universe and love will be sent back to you. Focus your intentions. Don't allow negative thoughts to distract you. Don't let the distractions of the material world keep you from growing your connection to God. There are many distractions in your world. We do not ask the impossible. God understands that his children on earth must deal with and tend to their many physical needs, but make time to connect with God in prayer, reflection, contemplation, and meditation each day. A few minutes will go a long way in helping you raise your spiritual vibration. Raising one's spiritual vibration will help them advance along the path. They will begin to see thoughts, beliefs, and actions that hold them back and keep them from growing spiritually. Once people begin to see how their own thoughts and beliefs are holding them back they will begin to let them go. If you believe something to be false why would you cling to it? Sometimes we cling to old patterns that no longer serve us out of fear of losing them. This is natural and part of the ascension process. In order to ascend spiritually we must let go of what we think is best and allow God to bring in what he knows if best for us. Trust God, he will not lead you astray. Be well. We love you. God bless you and all people.