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Opening Spiritual Meditation: 8/21/20

Dear brother, thank you for taking the time to allow us to come and write. It would be worth your while to practice this often as it allows for a strong connection to the angelic realm. It will also allow for direct personal communications to take place and transpire. First, know our love is with you. Know the father's love is with you. It gives great pleasure to the father when his children come to him in silent prayer, contemplation, and love. This builds the bridge to the celestial kingdom. We spirits of the celestial kingdom work to build this bridge from mortal to the spiritual world. You are on the right path. Move through the world with confidence and grace. Know that we are with you. Know that we are close. Call upon us often, not so much with the mind, but with the soul. The mind is filled with undisciplined thoughts. These thoughts create fear. There is much fear in your world. The mind drives this fear. The mind is always going which causes strife, but is also a great blessing when one learns to control it. Learn to let go of your thoughts which are out of harmony with love. Allow creativity and love to flow from your soul. Do not block this love with your mind. The mind can be a filter and barrier to the soul. Meditation is the key to calming the mind and brings much discipline. Meditation allows the mind to be placed aside for awhile and brings the longings of the soul to the forefront. The soul of man longs to connect with God and be in his loving presence and grace. Your world is filled with distractions, media and internet causes the mind to dissolve into fear. Teach the world to move away from distraction and move closer to God's love. Feel this love, feel the heat swell up within your heart and soul. Allow this great gift of love to build and grow within you. Much is coming to your world, many changes are upon the horizon. It's tempting to allow the mind to run rampant, unruly towards fear, but fear not, know that God is in control. Know that he has a plan and know that humanity is loved by God. Share this with others and be a voice if needed, but mostly, be an example of God's great love and mercy. Times will come and many will feel lost. God is calling you to be a channel of light. Be the light. Fill you world with light. Light will overcome the darkness. We love you, God loves you, our love is with you.



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