Pray and remain open: 8/24/20

Dear beloved soul, thank you for taking the time to sit and write. Our love is with you always, surrounding and protecting you. Fear not, nothing terrible will happen. There are certain protective energies in the universe. Prayer actives these energies. Your prayers are what keep you safe from harms way. Not only prayer, but thoughts of love and kindness, thoughts of God. These prayers and thoughts activate the protective energies in the universe. With that, know that you will be protected from the upcoming turmoil in your world. Yes, your world will experience great change. Emotions and tensions will intensify in the coming months. Follow our lead. We will guide you and your loved ones through these changes. It will not necessarily be without trouble and strife. Times will be difficult for many, but prayer will be the guiding light and protective shield. Be on guard, be vigilant, be on alert. Look for clues and listen to your intuition, for this is how you will be guided. There will be times when you will be guided to make a purchase, go somewhere, or talk to someone. Be open and receptive to this guidance. Opportunity will come. We are with you always. Be love and pray that all will be well. Peace will overcome darkness. Love will reign supreme. God is with you.